Whats this?

Whats this?
A Letter to Yudel!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fuzzy Math

Note: In true Yudel fashion, he has deleted this post after having been proven wrong. We will try to provide a cache link. (2/17/10)  Original Yudels Post (click to see that its been deleted)

 google blog search shows that a page had existed at some point...


Rabbi Weisners "KCL" re Yeshivishe shechita

A load of "LAMMS" meat arrived early Sunday morning 6:00 AM from Wichita, Kansas. The truck left thursday night & was told to be here Sunday Morning. It's 24 hours of driving, Truckers may only drive a certain amount of hours in a 24 hour period. He had to drive on Shabbos in order to be here on time. Reb Ahron Kotler, Z"L was extemely upset when a shabbos was desecrated because of a delivery. It's a "yesh'vishe shechita".


All other issues aside, Yudel really blows it on this one, with his use of fuzzy math. First of all the drive is 20 hours, not 24 and regulations allow for 14 out of 24 hours to drive. Let's say it left Lamm's at 12 AM friday morning and the driver drove 14 out of the next 15 hours, take a break from 3 PM friday untill Motzei Shabbos  when he drove the remaining 6.5 hours. Any problems???

Monday, February 15, 2010

What's The Real Story???

post on yudels blog

Anonymous said...
Why don't you post his heiter arkoois, you now he has one, you have posted it B4.
Sayag is playing a dirty game [with your advice] to gain time right after the eviction order, or about there.
You know it, it won't work.
You publisize the side that pleases you at the expense of the other party, you never ask mechila later.
You know Bassman has lost money on this deal.

Mon Feb 15, 01:20:00 PM 2010


Anonymous said...
Bassman is not in Lakewood now. He has a heter arkoois you had it on your site once. There is no way he will recieve this hazmana & be able to respond. You are playing a very dirty game over here, and you know it.
BTW you also waited until the eviction date to file the hazmono to play for time, & hope he has to start the process over.
Good luck he is out of town, the eviction will go ahead.

Mon Feb 15, 02:47:00 PM 2010

How can I Find it?


I need help finding a cached page.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Yudel at the Township.

at 2:50 it gets interesting. Too many cops for the amount of crime in Lakewood??? What town are you looking at???

Video originally by Lakewood Scoop.

Yudels Double Standard

Comment thread on Yudels blog about herring worms (click to see)

Blogger Yudel Shain said...

No hashgocha has been checking for worms in herring.
Mon Jan 25, 08:55:00 AM 2010

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even R' Yudel Shain's hashgocho on Schwartz's Appetizing herring?
Mon Jan 25, 10:09:00 AM 2010

Blogger Yudel Shain said...

A few Mashgichim checked last week by Schwartz's herring in Borough Park & did not find any worms.
Mon Jan 25, 12:51:00 PM 2010


Yudel says that No hashgocha has been checking for worms, but his hechsher somehow has the luck of not having had. If any other hechsher or company had said that their fish has no worms, Yudel would call them out on it! How do I know? Here's Yudels OWN WORDS!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

There will be a run to produce canned salmon "labeled-FARMED"- should you trust the label? They claimed "there are no worms in canned salmon". Dagim was aware for years that their Flounder labeld fish has worms, I told them about it.{If this is true, why didn't he check Schwartzes until mid-January 2010, He'd known about it for YEARS!!!}

This includes the canned Alaskan wild salmon-Dagim says they didn't see any worms in their salmon-Dagim denies that there (may be) are worms in their canned salmon. Nonetheless many educated consumers have stopped using it.

Dagim as of late doesn't respond to my inquiries{Can you blame them?}


Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Of Yudels Unconfirmed Reports

From WAY Back (click to see)


RUBASHKIN offers an annual $250,000.00 Donation to Satmar Monroe

Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum the Rav of Satmar Monroe it is alleged that he is being offered an anual two hundred fifty thousand dollardonation for his Mosdos if he will accept the Rubashkin meat in Monroe.

Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum is back from the visit (now on the way)to the Rubashkin plant in Iowa to give his blessing. "A- bi - mih- leibt"

מפי השמועה-Reb Ahron's Quote-ווי קען מן דאס צוגלייכען צו מיל מארט-
די בעסטע ביי "איי-אווה" קומט נישט צו די סתם ביי מיל מארט!


You can all do what you want with this one...

Another Hit & Run Special...

More deleted S'choira From Yudel (click to see)


What is Chutzpah?

Chutzpah is a Yiddish word meaning gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, sheer guts plus arrogance; it's Yiddish and, as Leo Rosten writes, no other word, and no other language, can do it justice. This example is better than a thousand words...

A little old lady sold pretzels on a street corner for 25 cents each. Every day a young man would leave his office building at lunch time and as he passed the pretzel stand he would leave her a quarter, but never take a pretzel.

And this went on for more then 3 years. The two of them never spoke. One day as the young man passed the old lady's stand and left his quarter as usual, the pretzel lady spoke to him.

Without blinking an eye she said: "They're 35 cents now."

Mifal Shulchan Govoha is a local company that has been offering significantly discounted prices on cases of chicken, paper goods, cookies, fish, pizza, flour, etc. 

NPGS which has been known as the lowest price grocery store in town has declared war on them, as they are afraid of the loss of business. They declared war by throwing out any suppliers that are selling to them, in order to be able to maintain their inflated high markups.

If NPGS is successful this will cause a further increase in the price of food, which in the current economy no one can afford.

The Co-op is the chosen shopping destination for low-income families in Lakewood. They provide a nice clean store and significantly lower prices then any other store in town. R Zeev Rothschild, whose ability to provide food with hiddurim in kashrus at a great price is admired by most people- all who don't have a hidden agenda.

Yudel is one of these people. What is your agenda, Yudel?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What Yudel Leaves Out.

About the Matza Bakery (click to see)


Rabbi Weisner's KCL FACADE (geneiva as well)

When the Lakewood Matzo bakery opened up they had the Hashgocha of Weisner's KCL & M. B. Klein Satmar Dayan. KCL came up with demands that were only there for the FACADE "it looks good to the naresher velt", nothing at all pertaining to kashrus. It did add to the cost of the bakery. Shortly after the Lakewood Matzo bakery figured out that as far as kashrus is concerned "nobody is home". As far the expense of Facade-looking good to the velt, we don't need it. So the Lakewood Matzo bakery told them to take a hike. Rabbi S. M. Katz took it over


I tried to post a comment asking him what RSM Katz Shlita holds of him. He refuses to post it because he knows the answer...

He never posts comments that don't fit with his agenda.

Anyone who knows can feel free to post here. Unlike Yudel, we don't moderate...

Lamms Shechita

The original post on Yudels blog which has since been deleted (click to see)


Yeshivishe schechita-what's that??? See Matzav Article

What Happened to KAJ Shechita in Wellington Kansas?
Why did they leave, not chasidish, not yeshivish?


This was posted by Yudel on January 29th. The Raid is that KAJ did not leave obecause of any kashrus problem, but either it was a money issue or a logistics issue. Also, would changing Hashgochos BEFORE A SHCHITA IS LAUNCHED even called "leaving"?

Yudel was called out on this, but did not do anything but delete the post, acting like a true "hit-&-run" driver. He never cleans up the mess he makes, he just walks away, not caring if he's goirem a hefsed momon...

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Reason for this Blog

Yudel Shain is a well meaning Jew who lives in Lakewood, NJ. He also says a lot of things that aren't really true, just he thinks they are. I am not an insider, nor do I have the abilities (or the knowledge) to call him out when he makes things up, so i turn to you to help me chronicle this. Thank You.

Fiery followers

What percentage would you assign to the ne'emonus you give Yudel?