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Whats this?
A Letter to Yudel!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lamms Shechita

The original post on Yudels blog which has since been deleted (click to see)


Yeshivishe schechita-what's that??? See Matzav Article

What Happened to KAJ Shechita in Wellington Kansas?
Why did they leave, not chasidish, not yeshivish?


This was posted by Yudel on January 29th. The Raid is that KAJ did not leave obecause of any kashrus problem, but either it was a money issue or a logistics issue. Also, would changing Hashgochos BEFORE A SHCHITA IS LAUNCHED even called "leaving"?

Yudel was called out on this, but did not do anything but delete the post, acting like a true "hit-&-run" driver. He never cleans up the mess he makes, he just walks away, not caring if he's goirem a hefsed momon...

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Fiery followers

What percentage would you assign to the ne'emonus you give Yudel?