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A Letter to Yudel!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What Yudel Leaves Out.

About the Matza Bakery (click to see)


Rabbi Weisner's KCL FACADE (geneiva as well)

When the Lakewood Matzo bakery opened up they had the Hashgocha of Weisner's KCL & M. B. Klein Satmar Dayan. KCL came up with demands that were only there for the FACADE "it looks good to the naresher velt", nothing at all pertaining to kashrus. It did add to the cost of the bakery. Shortly after the Lakewood Matzo bakery figured out that as far as kashrus is concerned "nobody is home". As far the expense of Facade-looking good to the velt, we don't need it. So the Lakewood Matzo bakery told them to take a hike. Rabbi S. M. Katz took it over


I tried to post a comment asking him what RSM Katz Shlita holds of him. He refuses to post it because he knows the answer...

He never posts comments that don't fit with his agenda.

Anyone who knows can feel free to post here. Unlike Yudel, we don't moderate...

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Fiery followers

What percentage would you assign to the ne'emonus you give Yudel?