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A Letter to Yudel!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Yudels Double Standard

Comment thread on Yudels blog about herring worms (click to see)

Blogger Yudel Shain said...

No hashgocha has been checking for worms in herring.
Mon Jan 25, 08:55:00 AM 2010

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even R' Yudel Shain's hashgocho on Schwartz's Appetizing herring?
Mon Jan 25, 10:09:00 AM 2010

Blogger Yudel Shain said...

A few Mashgichim checked last week by Schwartz's herring in Borough Park & did not find any worms.
Mon Jan 25, 12:51:00 PM 2010


Yudel says that No hashgocha has been checking for worms, but his hechsher somehow has the luck of not having had. If any other hechsher or company had said that their fish has no worms, Yudel would call them out on it! How do I know? Here's Yudels OWN WORDS!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

There will be a run to produce canned salmon "labeled-FARMED"- should you trust the label? They claimed "there are no worms in canned salmon". Dagim was aware for years that their Flounder labeld fish has worms, I told them about it.{If this is true, why didn't he check Schwartzes until mid-January 2010, He'd known about it for YEARS!!!}

This includes the canned Alaskan wild salmon-Dagim says they didn't see any worms in their salmon-Dagim denies that there (may be) are worms in their canned salmon. Nonetheless many educated consumers have stopped using it.

Dagim as of late doesn't respond to my inquiries{Can you blame them?}


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Fiery followers

What percentage would you assign to the ne'emonus you give Yudel?